When you see a boxer on TV and they have bandages on all over what do you think? In the story Was Tarzan a Three Bandage Man by Bill Cosby they talk about how some famous do thing for show or just to look cool. For example they said that Jackie Robinson walked like a pigeon. People think that he did that just to look cool. Stories like this one are very easy to relate things to.
Throughout this story I could relate this story to myself. When they said that he needed to read more books and I related that to myself because I don’t read a lot and I should read more. The other thing I could relate to is that they like to joke around with each other and I can relate to that because I like to joke around with my friends too. These are all the things that I could relate to.
Once I finished the story I could relate so many things to the world. Since they talk about famous people walk to look cool and the world could relate to that because a lot of famous people care about how they walk looks like. Then there is when they talk about how people do things to make them look tougher and that people that put on bandages to make it look like they got hurt. People do that in real life too. Those are all the thing that I could related from world to this text.
Seeing that there are probably things in that story that you could relate to other text. While there are many things other people could relate to themselves. There were only two things that I could relate too.